Lingolar Language School Sweden
Urlaubstipps: Wohnen in Schweden

Vacation Tips

In order to make our language students' stay in Sweden as pleasant, exciting and educational as possible, we have now compiled some recommendations for accommodation, excursion destinations, sights and activities on our website. We wish you a pleasant stay during your language vacation with us in beautiful Småland. 

Eating and Living

Cottage Nymåla

In a quiet location, away from towns and traffic, the cottage Nymåla invites you to relax, and feel good.  =>


Guest house & Créperie              Villa Karllösa

In the forest of the village Målilla welcomes you Pension Villa Karllösa!   =>

Pension und Creperie Villa Karllösa Målilla
Bäckerei / Restaurant Björkaholm

Bakery Björkaholm
Here you can find rolls, pretzels and sourdough bread as well as Italian or French pizza and tarte flambée.

Turistenbüro Hultsfred

Hultsfred Turist Office

Here you will find accommodation such as hotels, guesthouses and cottages,  restaurangs and cafes.



There is an abundance of excursion destinations in the vicinity, of which only a few are listed here.

Vergnügungspark Astrid Lindgrens Welt

Amusement Park

Astrid Lindgrens World

Be there when Pippi, Emil and other 

and other characters experience their adventures.   =>

Elchpark Målilla

Målilla Moose Park 

Here you can see moose from close up, a fenced path, leads directly through the moose enclosures .  =>

Besuchen Sie Katthult Hof


Visit the original filming location of the stories of Michel from Lönneberga.  =>


Island Öland

Öland is a versatile island that attracts not only nature lovers, but also invites to versatile activities.   =>


Here in Hultsfred Kommune there are countless possibilities for sports and leisure. Here are just a few of the attractive activity possibilities.

Draisine Fahren in der Hultsfred Kommune

Cycle dressage

An adventure awaits you as you explore the countryside by trolley on the narrow-gauge track.  =>

Kanu fahren in der Hultsfred Kommune


Hultsfred offers many places where you can go canoeing and spend a great day.


Angeln in Hultsfred


There are countless lakes in Hultsfred that invite you to go fishing.   =>

Målilla Outdoor Fitness

Small Outdoor Gym

Mållilla's brand new outdoor gym is well-maintained and offers free workouts 24/7!    =>


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