Lingolar Language School Sweden
Lingolar -review swedish courses online, individual courses, group online courses, Try-Out courses

       I had a professional and experienced teacher who focused on individual language levels and personal goals. Lingolar gives you interesting and fun lessons with high quality learning materials.               Petra (online lessons 2022)

Lingolar - Swedish Online Courses 

Discover the advantages of our exciting online courses! Enjoy the benefits of learning the Swedish language comfortably from home. You will receive weekly invitations to our interactive online lessons via Teams. Our teaching is based on the course material Rivstart, but we also cater to our students' specific requests. Extra materials in the form of  complementary PowerPoint presentations enhance the lessons and are specifically tailored to the course material. This provides an opportunity to give students a brief summary of the lesson content they have learned after each session. This intensifies the learning of the Swedish language and allows students to have an overview of their acquired language skills. After completing the course, a follow-up course is available upon request!

Our teachers are well trained and qualified. They have many years of experience and an academic degree in the language they teach. There are no final exams for our courses, but we will be happy to provide you with a certificate of attendance showing the amount of instruction and the level of proficiency achieved. The courses are divided into levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Translated with (free version)

Level groups A1-C2:

A1 = Swedish beginners with no previous knowledge  

A2 = Swedish beginners with some previous knowledge - basic language use

B1 = Swedish student with relatively good previous knowledge - Advanced language use

B2 = Swedish student with good previous knowledge - Independent language use

C1 = Swedish students with very good previous knowledge - Specialized language skills

C2 = Approximate native language proficiency

You can find more information here. =>

One unit usually equals 45 minutes, but depending on the course offered, lessonss can also be held in 60 or 90 minutes. 

Our prices are inclusive of 25% VAT.

Welcome to our online courses! We would be happy to accompany you in learning Swedish and to show you that learning Swedish is fun! Here you can find more information about our Swedish online courses. 

Individual Courses

Whether, individual,- partner - family lessons. the individual lessons are tailored to the needs of the participants.  Of course we also offer try- out lessons or short try-out courses.  Here the dates will be  coordinated between students and teachers. If you are interested in a course at a specific level, please feel free to contact us. At Lingolar we create courses according to your wishes.

courses and prices

Group online course

     Group course  A1 + A2

The A1 group course is aimed at beginners and does not require any basic knowledge.  The A2 course follows on directly from the A1 course and some previous knowledge is assumed. If you have a basic knowledge of the language, you can of course join the A2 course directly. The learning goal, which should be achieved by the end of the A2 course, involves that the learner should be able to communicate in simple, routine situations. These means the simple and direct exchange of information about familiar and common things. 


Textbook: Rivstart Textbok A1+A2 

Publisher; Natur Och Kultur,Stockholm ISBN 978-91-2745420-2

Textbooks are not included in the price.

     Group course  B1 + B2 + C1

The B- courses is on an advanced level and require basic knowledge of the Swedish language. The A- courses lay the foundation and the B- and C-courses deepen the acquired knowledge of the language and refine the language skills by expanding the vocabulary in special topics. In addition, special questions stimulate communication and argumentation in the target language, Swedish.  At the end of the B2 course, the learner should be able to understand the main content of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics. The learner should be able to communicate spontaneously and fluently so that normal conversation with native speakers is possible without much effort on either side.

Textbook: Rivstart Textbok B1+B2 

Publisher; Natur Och Kultur,Stockholm I

Textbooks are not included in the price.

Try-Out- Online Courses  

Our try-out course is specially designed to give you an insight into the Swedish language and to experience our online courses once. A try-out course requires no prior knowledge and takes place online, with the option of choosing different times.  To access the online courses, you will receive an invitation through Teams.  You will not need a textbook, but will learn with the Lingolar extra material. Each student will receive a short summary of each lesson.  After the end of the course a follow-up course is possible! 

Welcome to our try-out online courses. We look forward to accompanying you in learning Swedish. Learning Swedish is fun!

The teaching material is included in the price.


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